
A research topic on ‘Dynamics and Impacts of Tropical Climate Variability: Understanding Trends and Future Projections’ is being coordinated in Frontiers in Climate by Agus Santoso, Christine Chung, Andrea Taschetto, François Pierre Delage, Shayne McGregor, Bo Wu and Roxy Mathew Koll.


Figure 1. Linear trends of surface winds (1988 – 2018)

Ocean surface winds play an important role in many oceanic and atmospheric processes, such as generating marine waves, driving ocean general circulation, and modulating air-sea heat, moisture, and gas fluxes. Meanwhile, winds over the marginal seas...

The 7th China-Southeast Asian Nations Maritime Cooperation Forum was held in Beihai, Guangxi Province on 26th -27th October, 2021, in a hybrid format of both online and on-site. Liping Yin, staff scientist from the ICPO, gave a report, on behalf of ICPO, introducing CLIVAR scientific activities on this forum.

This forum was themed on drawing a blueprint for...

The 14th session of CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region Panel (SORP-14) was successfully held online on 6th-7th and 13th-14th October, with the participation of the SORP members, representatives from Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS), CLIVAR/CliC...

The regular telecon on the 2022 Sea Level Conference preparation was organized on Nov. 2, with the participation from WCRP Sea Level Grand Challenge, local organizers, and staff from WCRP Secretariat and ICPO. The telecon mainly discussed about the draft agenda for the conference, with the follow uptakes:

  • Due to the...

The 2022 EGU General Assembly is going to be organized in Vienna, Austria on 3-8 April 2022. Here we present you a monsoon session co-convened by Dr Andrew Turner, member of the CLIVAR/GEWEX Monsoons Panel:

Monsoon systems in a changing climate: past, present and future

The regional...

The FUTURE/POC Topic Session on “Predictions of extreme events in the North Pacific and their incorporation into management strategies” was successfully organized on 27 October 2021, during the 2021 PICES Annual Meeting (virtual). The session was co-sponsored by CLIVAR, and co-convened by Samantha Siedlecki (USA), Jing-Jia Luo (China, CLIVAR Pacific Region Panel)...

The 2021 SCOR annual meeting was held online from 26th-28th October. Around 100 representatives from SCOR groups and invited partner organizations attended the meeting. Jose Santos from the ICPO attended on behalf of CLIVAR and Hindumathi Palanisam made an overall presentation on WCRP, which included main CLIVAR activities related to SCOR. During the 3-day meeting, the...

The 1st Telecon of the Indian Ocean Early Career Scientists Working Group (IOECS WG) was organized successfully on 21 October 2021, with 17 participants from IORP, YESS, IIOE-2 ECSN and WIO-ECSN. The IOECS WG was motivated during the IORP-17, to strengthen the coordination of existing efforts made by different ECS groups in the Indian Ocean region.

The 5th Organising Committee telecon for CLIVAR-GOOS workshop was organized on October 20, 2021, with the participation of Weidong Yu (Co-chair, OOPC), Edem Mahu (Co-chair, invited), Lisa Beal (OOPC), Maria Paz Chidichimo (ARP), Sophie Cravatte (PRP), Enrique Curchister (OMDP), Tarron Lamont (ARP), Ivonne Montes (PRP), Hindumathi Palanisamy (GSOP & WCRP...

A preparation teleconference for the 2022 Sea Level Conference was organized on 19th October 2021, with the participation of the WCRP Sea Level Grand Challenge (GC) co-chairs and members, local organizers and ICPO staff....

The WCRP Secretariat and International Project Offices (IPOs) telecon was organised on 18th October 2021, hosted by the CliC IPO, and with the participation of representatives from the WCRP Secretariat, CORA, and International Project Offices of CLIVAR, GEWEX, SPARC, CliC, S2S and Monsoons.

The major uptakes from the...

The CLIVAR Research Focus on Tropical Basin Interaction held a teleconference on 12th October 2021, chaired by Ingo Richter and Yuko Okumura and with the participation of Chunzai Wang, Belen Rodriguez-Fonseca, Xichen Li, Noel Keenlyside, Regina Rodriguez, Andrea Taschetto, Roxy Koll, Dietmar Dommenget and Jose Santos from the ICPO.

The meeting started with an introduction of the new...

The CLIVAR Global Synthesis and Observations Panel organized its regular teleconference on 4th October 2021, co-chaired by Peter Oke and Steve Jayne and joined by Hindumathi Palanisamy, Aneesh Subramanian, Mathieu Belbeoch, Francois Counillon, Lijing Cheng, Shuhei Masuda, Louis Clement, Nathalie Zilberman, Uwe Send, and Jose Santos from the ICPO.

Major topics discussed during the panel...

Fig Mechanisms of Internal and external TPDV. (A) Internal. (B) External.

Tropical Pacific decadal climate variability and change (TPDV), which is evident in instrumental records, paleoclimate records over past millennia, and climate models, affects the global climate system, extreme weather events, agricultural production, streamflow,...
