ICPO attended the 7th China-Southeast Asian Nations Maritime Cooperation Forum

The 7th China-Southeast Asian Nations Maritime Cooperation Forum was held in Beihai, Guangxi Province on 26th -27th October, 2021, in a hybrid format of both online and on-site. Liping Yin, staff scientist from the ICPO, gave a report, on behalf of ICPO, introducing CLIVAR scientific activities on this forum.
This forum was themed on drawing a blueprint for cooperation under the UN framework of the "Decade of the Ocean" and deepening the blue partnership between China and Southeast Asian countries. More than 270 experts and representatives from universities/institutes of China and Southeast Asian countries and from international organizations participated in this event.
The forum was divided into four sessions: ocean and climate observation, prediction and disaster reduction services, marine biodiversity and ecosystem protection, marine geological processes and disaster reduction, and marine policy and marine management. The ICPO was invited to give a speech during the first session, aiming to find the mutual interests between CLIVAR and the forum. Both sides agreed that it would be good to co-design the UN Ocean Decade project/programme with a particular focus on the China-Southeast Asia region.
The China-Southeast Asian Nations Maritime Cooperation Forum was initiated in November 2013, with an aim to strengthen the cooperation among China and Southeast Asian countries on marine science and technology.