Global Synthesis and Observations Panel (GSOP)

About Us

Participants of the 7th Session of the Global Synthesis and Observations Panel in The Hague, July 2014

GSOP is responsible for the definition and promotion of CLIVAR's overall global needs for sustained ocean observations, and the evaluation of model-based synthesis of ocean observations.

Terms of Reference

The CLIVAR Global Synthesis and Observations panel is established to:
1. Develop, promote and seek to implement strategies for the synthesis of global ocean, atmosphere and coupled climate information. Methods will include observation-based syntheses and model-based syntheses e.g. Reanalyses.
2. Define CLIVAR's requirement for globally sustained observations and promote the use of resulting data sets in global synthesis efforts.  Provide strategic advice and supporting evidence in collaboration with WMO and IOC bodies, to help sustain, evolve and optimise the global ocean observing system based on new science and reanalysis insights.
3. Develop metrics to evaluate ocean and coupled syntheses, to promote the utility of synthesis products for climate applications, including initialisation of coupled forecasts, detection/attribution of climate change and variability, and determining the oceans role in the global heat, water and biogeochemical cycles.
4. Provide strategic advice and direction to CLIVAR/WCRP data management and processing activities within the Framework for Ocean Observing, related to production of climate quality global ocean synthesis products.
5. Liaise and collaborate with WCRP Councils, Panels and Working Groups in identifying the requirements for, and coordinating the development of, a sustainable Earth system monitoring and prediction system.
6. The Panel will report to the CLIVAR SSG.

Ocean Synthesis/Reanalysis Efforts

Ocean reanalyses are the combination of ocean models, atmospheric forcing fluxes and ocean observations via data assimilation methods and have the potential to provide more accurate information than observation-only or model-only based ocean estimations.

GSOP Panel Members

Name Role Institute Country
Nathalie Zilberman Co-Chair 2024 Scripps Institution of Oceanography USA
Peter Oke Co-Chair 2024 The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Australia
Aida Alvera Azcárate Co-Chair 2027 University of Liège Belgium
Shuhei Masuda Member 2024 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Japan
Louis Clement Member 2024 National Oceanography Centre UK
Aneesh Subramanian Member 2025 University of Colorado Boulder USA
Mathieu Belbeoch Member 2025 OceanOPS France
Yonghong Yin Member 2024 Australian Bureau of Meteorology Australia
Soline Bielli Member 2024 Laboratoire de l’Atmosphère et des Cyclones (LACy) La Réunion, France
Pablo Canziani Member 2024 Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnológicas(CONICET) Argentina
Santha Akella Member 2027 NOAA NCEP USA
Yiguo Wang Member 2027 Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre (NERSC) Norway
Hao Luo Member 2027 Sun Yat-sen University China
Angela Kuhn Córdova Member 2027 Scripps Institution of Oceanography USA
Ken Ando Ex officio Vice-Chair / Tropical Moored Buoy Implementation Panel Japan
Dean Roemmich Ex officio co-Chair of the Argo Steering Team USA
Uwe Send Ex officio Co-chair / OceanSITES USA
Magdalena Balmaseda Ex officio ECMWF UK

The ICPO contact for the CLIVAR Global Synthesis and Observations Panel is

Jing Li