WCRP Secretariat and IPOs telecon organised in October

The WCRP Secretariat and International Project Offices (IPOs) telecon was organised on 18th October 2021, hosted by the CliC IPO, and with the participation of representatives from the WCRP Secretariat, CORA, and International Project Offices of CLIVAR, GEWEX, SPARC, CliC, S2S and Monsoons.
The major uptakes from the telecon are:
1. New members: Welcome Dr. Susmitha Joseph and Mr. Somnath Mahapatra from the International Monsoons Project Office (IMPO) and Dr. Sabrina Zechlau from the SPARC office manager to join the community;
2. Regional Database: CORA has put together the first version of a regional database (DB) that contains WCRP activities (projects, working groups/panels, workshops, capacity building, etc) classified by region/continent, science topic and activity status. The DB contains as of today 265 unique records and is hosted at the Helmholtz Coastal Data Center (HCDC), Germany. There was consensus among the participants that this tool could support WCRP activities by providing an overview of WCRP regional activities and enabling to explore synergies, thus will enhance collaboration and avoid duplication of efforts. However, a plan for maintaining the DB should be developed, after CORA closes in December 2021. A candidate to take over the DB would be the IPO of the Core Project “Regional Information for Society (RifS)”.
3. Updates on the Decisions and Actions from the WCRP JSC-42:
- Nominations to the CliC and GEWEX Steering Committee Groups (SSG) will be sent before JSC-42b, and CLIVAR and SPARC are having their open call ongoing, and thus will send the nominations after JSC-42b;
- Some of the Lighthouse Activities (LHA) are calling for co-chair and working groups; The supporting units for LHAs are being explored;
- Calls to host the IPOs of the new Core Projects (ie. ESMO & RifS) will be launched shortly;
- Streamline budget for 2022-2023 for all activities are to be prepared;
- New Core Projects: ESMO is developing its science plan while RifS is defining its governance and science plan in parallel
- Coordination and communication plans: the Secretariat working with WMO to better coordinate & utilise existing resources
- Carbon-footprint: the calculator is being finalised and will be ready from 2022.
- WCRP Climate Regional Forum for South Asia will be held on November 30th. Flyer will be out soon.
- The WCRP Open Science Conference (OSC) might be pushed to Fall 2023 or Early 2024.
4. The next WCRP Secretariat and IPOs telecon will be organised after JSC-42b, and will be hosted by the CORDEX IPO.