Modes of Climate Variability in the Atlantic Sector. The figure on the right shows the path and strength of winter storms depending on the sign of the NAO; the location of tropical rainfal (determined by the ITCZ); and the transport of the ocean currents (MOC). Blue arrows:cold, deep currents; red arrows:warm surface currents (source: M. Visbeck, 2002; Science 297, 2223-2224).
Atlantic Region Panel
About Us
Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference of the Atlantic Region Panel are:
- Identify major emerging scientific issues related to research in Atlantic climate variability, climate change and climate predictability and foster research initiatives in Atlantic climate studies.
- Define the tools required to assess and understand climate variability, climate change and climate predictability of the ocean-atmosphere system within the Atlantic sector.
- Design a strategy to implement these methods, spanning observations, models, experiments and process studies.
- Provide scientific and technical input into the implementation in collaboration, if required and instrumental, with other CLIVAR panels and relevant programs
- Monitor and evaluate progress of the implementation
- Promote and enhance interactions among atmospheric sciences, oceanography, biogeochemistry and paleoclimate communities to further advance interdisciplinary Atlantic climate studies.
- Serve as a forum for the discussion and communication of scientific advances in the understanding of climate variability, predictability and change in the Atlantic region.
- Work with relevant agencies on the distribution and archiving of Atlantic Ocean observations.
- Respond to needs from stakeholders and facilitate the transfer of knowledge of science and applications with respect to Atlantic climate variability and predictability issues.
- Advise and report to the CLIVAR SSG on progress, achievements, new frontiers and impediments.
Associated and Endorsed activities
·Atlantic Ocean Blog (AOB) – New! - A blog about the Atlantic Ocean - variability, predictability and change.
· Tropical Atlantic Observing System (TAOS) review – The TAOS review was organised by the CLIVAR ARP to evaluate scientific progress since the last review (2006) and recommend actions to advance sustained observing efforts in the tropical Atlantic.
· CLIVAR AMOC Task Team – The CLIVAR Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) task team provides international coordination for the AMOC community to facilitate collaboration and advance scientific understanding.
· CLIVAR Research Focus on Tropical Basin Interaction (TBI) – The research focus on TBI organised a workshop to provide an overview TBI science, identify knowledge gaps, and develop an experimental protocol for coordinated model sensitivity studies.
· CLIVAR-FIO Summer school on ‘Ocean Macroturbulence and its role in Earth’s Climate
· EUREC4A-OA / ATOMIC - The CLIVAR endorsed Atlantic Tradewind Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Interaction Campaign (ATOMIC, US) and the Ocean-Atmosphere component of EUREC4A (EUREC4A-OA, Europe) initiatives took place during 6 weeks in January-February 2020 to address the Northwest Tropical Atlantic Ocean-atmosphere interactions at the mesoscale and their relation to the regional Oceanic Barrier Layers (OBL), air-sea interactions and atmospheric shallow-convection.
News View
City | Country | ||
Workshop on Improving Modelling of the AMOC | Exeter | UK |
2024-09-23 to 2024-09-25 |
ICTP/CLIVAR Summer School on Marine Heatwaves: Global Phenomena with Regional Impacts | Trieste | Italy |
2023-07-24 to 2023-07-29 |
18th Session of CLIVAR Atlantic Region Panel | Hamburg | Germany | 2023-07-17 |
CLIVAR-FIO Summer School on Ocean Macroturbulence and Its Role in Earth’s Climate | Qingdao | China |
2022-08-14 to 2022-08-20 |
3rd Summer School on Theory, Mechanisms and Hierarchical Modeling of Climate Dynamics: Tropical Oceans, ENSO and their Teleconnections | Trieste | Italy |
2022-07-18 to 2022-07-29 |
Publications and Documents
Atlantic Panel Members
Name | Role | Institute | Country | |
Regina Rodrigues | Co-Chair | 2025 | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | Brazil |
Gregory Foltz | Co-Chair | 2026 | NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory | USA |
Jennifer Veicht | Member | 2025 | South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) | South Africa |
Tannecia Sydia Stephenson | Member | 2025 | The University of the West Indies, Mona | Jamaica |
Laura Jackson | Member | 2025 | Met Office | UK |
Olga Sato | Member | 2026 | University of São Paulo | Brazil |
Dariia Atamanchuk | Member | 2026 | Dalhousie University | Canada |
Hyacinth Nnamchi | Member | 2026 | GEOMAR Helmholz Centre for Ocean Research | Germany |
Aixue Hu | Member | 2026 | NCAR | USA |
Ben Moat | Member | 2027 | National Oceanography Centre | UK |
Ayako Yamamoto | Member | 2027 | J. F. Oberlin University | Japan |
Philip Tuchen | Member | 2027 | CIMAS, University of Miami, NOAA AOML | USA |
Serena Illig | Member | 2027 | IRD/LEGOS | France |
Feili Li | Member | 2027 | Xiamen University | China |
The ICPO contact for the CLIVAR Atlantic Region Panel is Joana Gonzalez -
Past activities
· Tropical Atlantic Climate Experiment (TACE) (2006-2011) The TACE goal was to advance the understanding of coupled ocean-atmosphere processes and improve climate prediction for the tropical Atlantic region.
· See also recent Events, Publications and Resources.