CLIVAR attended the SCOR 2021 Annual Meeting

The 2021 SCOR annual meeting was held online from 26th-28th October. Around 100 representatives from SCOR groups and invited partner organizations attended the meeting. Jose Santos from the ICPO attended on behalf of CLIVAR and Hindumathi Palanisam made an overall presentation on WCRP, which included main CLIVAR activities related to SCOR. During the 3-day meeting, the following topics were discussed:
Day 1
- Opening:
Obituary for scientists involved with SCOR, reports of the SCOR President and Executive Director
- Presentation of New Working Group proposals:
- Coupling of ocean-ice-atmosphere processes: from sea-Ice biogeochemistry to aerosols and Clouds (CIce2Clouds)
- Harnessing global pELagic FISH biochemical data to address Sustainability challenges under climate change scenarios (ELFISH)
- Advancing standardisation of COastal and Nearshore demersal fish visual CENSUS techniques (CoNCENSUS)
- Mixotrophy in the Oceans – Novel Experimental designs and Tools for a new trophic paradigm (MixONET)
- From the Ocean to the Lab to the Ocean: best practices for ecologically sound inferences in fluctuating habitats (OLO)
Day 2
- Reports from SCOR Working Groups Reports (16)
- Large-Scale Ocean Research Projects reports:
- GEOTRACES – Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Isotopes
- SOLAS – Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study
- IMBeR – Integrated Marine Biosphere Research
- IQOE – International Quiet Ocean Experiment
- IIOE-2 – International Indian Ocean Expedition 2
Day 3
- Infrastructural Projects reports:
- SOOS – Southern Ocean Observing System
- IOCCP – International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project
- COBS – Changing Ocean Biological Systems
- GlobalHAB – Global Harmful Algal Blooms
- JCS – Joint Committee on Seawater (IAPWS/SCOR/IAPSO)
- Affiliated projects reports:
- IOCCG – International Ocean Colour Co-ordinating Group
- InterRidge – International RIDGE Studies
- GACS – Global Alliance of Continuous Plankton Recorders
- Affiliated organizations reports:
- IABO – International Association for Biological Oceanography
- IAPSO – International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans
- IAMAS – International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences
- Intergovernmental organizations reports:
- IOC – Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
- PICES – North Pacific Marine Science Organization
- GESAMP WG 38– The atmospheric input of chemicals to the oceans
- Partner organizations reports:
- POGO – Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans
- ISC – International Science Council
- SCAR – Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
- Future Earth Ocean KAN – Ocean Knowledge Action Network
- WCRP – World Climate Research Programme
- Capacity-Development Activities:
- SCOR compiled capacity development activities (Visiting Scholars, POGO-SCOR, Fellowships, NSF travel support for developing countries)
- POGO-SCOR Fellowship Programme
- Regional Graduate Networks in Oceanography (RGNO)
- SCOR Organization and Finance
- SCOR-Related Meetings
Complete information and relevant documentation can be found at