ICPO participated in the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Indian Ocean Observing System Resource Forum
Submitted by Jing Li on Thu, 2020-05-07 03:02Report on the 16th Session of the CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel (IORP)
Submitted by Jing Li on Wed, 2020-05-06 04:41Report on the Symposium of Climate Variation, Prediction and Application: 20-Year Anniversary of IOD Research
Submitted by Jing Li on Thu, 2020-04-02 12:36A symposium themed as Climate Variation, Prediction and Application was held on November 17-19, 2019 at Nanjing, China to commemorate the 20-Year Anniversary of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) Research. The summary report of the syposium is now available.
IORP-16 organised virtually on 24 March 2020
Submitted by Jing Li on Wed, 2020-04-01 12:16Due to the current global COVID-19 pandemic, the 16th Session of CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel Meeting (IORP-16), which was originally planned in Goa, India, was organised online on 24 March 2020.
IndOOS-2 Town Hall at 2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting
Submitted by Jing Li on Wed, 2020-03-04 03:36CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel (IORP) members organized a Town Hall on IndOOS-2 at the AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting in San Diego on 20 February 2020.