[Call for abstracts and registration] Workshop on Meeting AMOC Observation Needs in a Changing Climate

The Workshop on Meeting AMOC Observation Needs in a Changing Climate will be organized on 18-20 July 2023, at Hamburg, Germany and with virtual access. The workshop is co-organized by the CLIVAR AMOC Task Team and the Universität Hamburg (UHH), and with the support of WCRP, EPOC, US CLIVAR, NASA, NOAA, NSF and DOE in the US. The primary goal of this workshop will be to inform the design of a future-focused AMOC observing system that can provide continuous measurements of key variables while also remaining sustainable over multiple decades.

Registration and abstract submission for the workshop is now open (https://www.conferences.uni-hamburg.de/e/amoc-workshop). Please kindly be reminded of the important dates of the workshop:

  • Abstract deadline (regular): 2 May
  • Registration closes (for in-person): 1 June
  • Registration closes (for online-only): 1 July

Timelines for funding support

Registration deadline: 27 April (payment can be deferred until funding decisions are made)
Abstract deadline: 27 April
Funding decisions: early May

* Travel support will be coordinated by CLIVAR in the first half of May.

Meanwhile, in advance of the workshop, monthly webinars will be organized to give an overview of the current AMOC observing system and assessments of the observing system performed to-date. The first webinar will be organized on 21 March 2023.

For more information on the workshop, please visit the webpages on both CLIVAR and UHH websites.