Science Highlights

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Of all the major coastal upwelling systems in the World’s ocean, the Benguela, located off south-west Africa, is the one which climate models find hardest to simulate well. Small et al. investigates the sensitivity of a climate model in this region

Global warming drives changes in the salinity and temperature of the ocean interior via modified air-sea fluxes of heat, freshwater and momentum. Lago et al. study tries to elucidate how the knowledge of surface changes impact on the interior of the ocean over a long timescale.

Saba et al. compare simulations and an atmospheric CO2 doubling response from four NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) global climate models of varying ocean and atmosphere resolution to understand the enhanced warming of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean under climate change

Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is presumed to play a major role in decadal and longer time scale climate variability and in prediction of the Earth's future climate

What happened to the ocean circulation when all this meltwater entered the ocean at that time of deglaciation? This is what Marson et al. (2015) discuss in their study published last October in Climate Dynamics.

A review that summarizes recent progress in dynamical studies of regional climate change, and highlights outstanding issues.

Time-mean and trends for the period 1948-2007 are analysed in a suite of global ocean-sea ice models forced with CORE-II forcing, focusing on the ACC, MOC, water masses and sea-ice evolution.

This study shows how climate change due to humans has affected the probability that extreme events in South America and Southern Africa evolved in the way that they did.

An apples to apples comparison of global temperatures.

When comparing global temperatures estimated from observations with climate model simulations, challenges include issues related to incomplete observational data. Here we quantify the influence of different observational data types.

Drifts/biases are often present when climate models are initialized from observed conditions to produce climate predictions.Model drifts are usually removed for skill assessment but they are rarely analysed.

Compared with the not evident increase of Pacific heat content, Indian Ocean heat content has dramatically increased over the "hiatus" period. 

The observed precipitation in South America exhibits significant anomalies when there are strong sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) in different parts of equatorial Pacific. The study analyses how models simulate these influences in present day climate simulations.
