News View

Report on the PICES WG-40 Workshop: Towards an Integrated Approach to Understanding Ecosystem Predictability in the North Pacific is...

The International CLIVAR Project Office (ICPO) is seeking for applicants to the Administrative Assistant position. Application is now open until 27 September 2019.

The SWOT ‘Adopt-A-Crossover’ Consortium for a series of international in-situ campaigns has been endorsed by CLIVAR.

4 Chinese ocean scientists tragically passed away on 21st April 2019 during the Kingsbury Colombo Hotel explosion in Sri Lanka, while waiting to participate in the 'Joint...

Applications are invited for groups within, or linked to CLIVAR communities across the globe to propose “Research Foci” (RF) Studies. Deadline extended to: 1 August 2019.

Thanks for your support that contributed to achieve great outcomes for Ocean&Climate Research in 2018

The conference report and power point presentations from several Scientists who presented their research during the ...
