News View

The WCRP, jointly with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC), is organizing an international conference on sea level research that will address the existing challenges in...

SOOS is an international initiative of SCAR and the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) with the mission to facilitate the collection and delivery of...

SCOR has issued a call for applications for the 2017 SCOR Visiting Scholars Program. The announcement can be found at...

CLIVAR is celebrating 20 years of progress since publication of its first SciencePlan in August 1995. To mark the occasion, past SSG co-chairs have contributed articles on an...

In order to better publicise papers produced by the WCRP community, papers that use WCRP data or that acknowledge WCRP in any way WCRP has created an email alias:...

June 8 is World Oceans Day, designed to remind everyone of the major role the oceans have in everyday life and to celebrate together the beauty...

REGISTER NOW and secure a place at the WCRP’s CLIVAR Open Science Conference “Charting the course for climate and ocean research”.  Present and...

The CLIVAR leadership expresses alarm at news of cuts to climate and ocean research programmes in Australia.  Read more...

More than 750 scientists from 66 countries submitted 936 abstracts to the CLIVAR Open Science Conference before the 25 March deadline. Almost half were from Early Career Scientists, which...

CLIVAR Open Science Conference abstract submission, requests for funding, and applications to participate in the Early Career Scientists Symposium of 2016 will be...
