Workshop on Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Interactions with the Atmosphere was successfully organised

The Atlantic Regional Panel (ARP) organized a workshop, co-sponsored by CLIVAR and US-CLIVAR, Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Interactions with the Atmosphere, held February 17th & 18th, 2018, in Portland, Oregon, USA, immediately following the 12th Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM). More than 50 oceanographers and atmospheric scientists from ten nations came together to assess the current state of knowledge about ocean eddy-atmosphere interactions and to plan activities to address outstanding questions. The Workshop featured four excellent invited talks on topics relating to observations of ocean eddy-atmosphere interactions, the simulation of ocean eddies in models, and the impact of eddies on the overlying atmosphere. Participants then broke-up into working groups to address: 1) observational requirements for addressing open questions about eddy-scale air-sea fluxes; 2) the representation of eddy-scale air-sea fluxes for ocean-only eddy resolving models; and 3) atmospheric weather/climate impacts of the ocean eddy field and its variability. Participants decided on a set of actions: plans for modeling experiments with ocean-only and atmosphere-only models, exploring different representations in each of the not-simulated fluid; developing protocols for diagnosing interactions within coupled models; developing new approaches to analyzing ever growing sets of available data; and making the case for new observations via field campaigns and satellites. 

This Workshop built upon scientific work presented in two scientific sessions during OSM, both chaired by ARP co-chair, Sabrina Speich: Advances in Understanding Ocean Eddies and Their Interactions with the Atmosphere I & II. These sessions comprised 8 talks and 21 posters representing diverse ocean-eddy science, including analyses of satellite and in situ observations, high-resolution modeling, and theory.

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