Open Call for new CLIVAR Research Foci

Applications are invited for groups within, or linked to CLIVAR communities across the globe to propose “Research Foci” (RF) Studies
In response to the rapid pace of scientific advances and recognizing the need for the project to be flexible and responsive to new ideas and challenges, CLIVAR has developed the concept of Research Foci (RF), which are focused research activities on topics (1) with high potential for significant progress in a 3-5 year time-scale, and (2) that would benefit from enhanced international coordination. RF have proven to be effective means to initiate in a bottom-up-process, new research and invigorate progress in areas that are of high priority to the climate research community, thereby fostering cross-panel, pan-WCRP community collaboration, while also providing opportunities to entrain new scientists into CLIVAR.
The topic should be aligned with the CLIVAR Science Plan, in particular it should be focused in one of the following scientific priorities;
- Mechanisms of climate variability and change that require further investigation with the ultimate goal of better constraining the fluxes of energy and carbon in the climate system;
- Ocean processes that modulate climate variability and change for which open questions remain;
- Climate predictability challenges that exist over a broad range of space and time scales.
RF proposals will be reviewed and endorsed by the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group (SSG), together with selected external reviewers, according to the criteria listed in the “RF criteria and guidelines” document.
How to submit a RF proposal
- Review the full "RF Criteria & Guidelines" document (download here)
- Complete the RF application template (download here)
- Submit the completed application to
Deadline for applications: Monday 31st October 2022.
To read more about endorsed CLIVAR RF Studies please click here