[Hold the date] WCRP International Conference 2022 Singapore, Regional Sea Level Change and Coastal Impacts

Building on the success of the Sea Level 2017 Meeting in New York, the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Grand Challenge on “Regional Sea-Level Change and Coastal Impacts” will hold the Sea Level 2022 meeting on 11-15 July, 2022 in Singapore. This is three years after the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) report and one year after the publication of the new IPCC WG1 AR6 report. The conference will provide an opportunity to share the present status of climate-related sea-level research, and will have a strong focus on application of sea-level science for adaptation and stakeholder needs. The conference will consider the future of sea-level rise research within the new structure of WCRP, including the lighthouse activities and the new “Core Projects” focusing on "Regional Information for Society" and "Earth System Modelling and Observations".
Sea-level rise is an existential threat to Singapore, where a third of the island is already today below 5 m above mean sea level. In Singapore, information on future sea levels is critical for coastal development, adaptation and planning.
The Conference will utilise state-of-the-art remote participation options to ensure inclusion and engagement and may include limited in-person aspects. Details of the conference programme and its format will be provided soon.
We invite you to register your interest in attending the conference here.
If you encounter any problem accessing the registration page, please contact Qian Zhao.
With the support of: