El Niño Southern Oscillation in a Changing Climate

The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Pacific Ocean has major worldwide social and economic consequences through its global scale effects on atmospheric and oceanic circulation, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, and other natural systems. Ongoing climate change is projected to significantly alter ENSO’s dynamics and impacts.

A monograph written for the AGU Centennial entitled ‘El Niño Southern Oscillation in a Changing Climate’ is published in November 2020. The book presents the latest theories, models, and observations, and explores the challenges of forecasting ENSO as the climate continues to change.

The book is comprised of 21 chapters grouped into seven sections. Section 1 introduces the reader to the basic characteristics of ENSO, a historical overview of research milestones, and the role of ENSO in the climate system. Section 2 describes ENSO observations, diversity and paleo reconstructions. The basic dynamics and low-frequency modulation of ENSO are highlighted in Section 3. Section 4 discusses the external and remote forcing of the tropical Pacific, followed by Section 5 on predictions and Section 6 on teleconnections and impacts. The book concludes in Section 7 with a commentary on current research challenges, paleo-perspectives, and the future outlook for ENSO in a changing climate.

The CLIVAR Pacific Region Panel (PRP) made major contributions to this book, which is edited by Mike McPhaden (PRP ex-officio and ENSO RF member), Agus Santoso (former PRP member) and Wenju Cai (SSG co-chair and former PRP co-chair and ENSO RF member). PRP members led six of the 21 chapters and ten members contributed to several other chapters.


El Niño Southern Oscillation in a Changing Climate

M. J. McPhaden, A. Santoso, W. Cai (Editors)
