CLIVAR CDP 2022 Workshop Early Career Scientist Best Poster Award
Submitted by Liping Yin on Tue, 2022-10-25 08:15
Four outstanding Early Career Scientists (ECS) won the ECS Best Poster Award at the recently concluded CLIVAR Climate Dynamics Panel (CDP) 2022 workshop. Congratulate them! Their names and titles of the presentations are:
- Benjamin H. Tiger, “Volcanic eruptions and multi-decadal Indo-Pacific variability amplify extreme Indian Ocean Dipole events in Last Millennium Ensemble simulations”
- Chengfei He, “Recent Atlantic Multidecadal Variability and its tropical impacts are driven by external forcings”
- Stephen Po-Chedley, “Internal variability influences model-satellite differences in the rate of tropical tropospheric warming”
- Zachary M. Labe, “Temporary slowdowns in decadal warming predictions by a neural network”