ARP Telecon organised in November

The CLIVAR Atlantic Region Panel (ARP) organized a telecon on Nov. 24, mainly focusing on a virtual go-around to update ARP-relevant activities, a look at the annual report and a discussion of membership rotation.

The updates of ARP-relevant activities include mention of upcoming atmospheric field campaigns in the sub-Arctic, ongoing (German and UK), planned and proposed (US), and ATOMIC/EUREC4A (Paquita); involvement with the recent EU HORIZON opportunity targeting the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (Eleanor, Laura, Maria); a US CLIVAR Exchanges special issue resulting from the Tropical Basins Interaction workshopt and a spotlight on warming in 2019 and 2021 in the eastern equatorial Atlantic (Ingo); coastal resilience tools and development of a sea level adaptation plan for a portion of the US (Susan Bates); WCRP Lighthouse Activities (Regina); AtlantOS with mention of an upcoming virtual workshop (Brad); progress on the CLIVAR-GOOS Workshop on Ocean Observations and connectivity of Arctic-tropic-Southern Atlantic (Maria Paz); Sea Level Rise in Cameron coastal regions and annual variability of Benguela Nino (Franck); the Benguela upwelling system (Franck & Jennifer); high-resolution in situ observation mission for ‘SWOT’ satellite mission calibration and operational ocean forecast system and capacity building in South and Southern Africa (Jennifer); developing interest in an AMOC tipping point workshop (Laura), and the UN Ocean Decade (e.g. CoastPredict - Eleanor, Jennifer).

Discussion included suggestions for areas for future cooperation:

  • Intercomparison of different reanalysis products (already begun by Jennifer);
  • More investigation of how Atlantic large-scale variability (e.g. AMOC, NAO) can influence coastal regions;
  • How ARP can better interact with WCRP LHAs, e.g. CoastPredict and Digital Earth LHA, and Safe Landing Climate LHA, etc.;
  • Workshops and summer school: 1) LabSea 2022 virtual meeting; 2) potential AMOC tipping point workshop; 3) CLIVAR-FIO Summer School on Ocean Macroturbulence and Its Role in Earth’s Climate (still TBD if it can be held in-person June 19-23, 2022, Qingdao, China); 4) CLIVAR-GOOS Workshop (also still TBD for summer 2022, in-person, in Trieste);
  • Special issues: 1) A special issue on CLIVAR Exchanges on Tropical Atlantic Observing System (TAOS) to advocate the outcomes from the TAOS Review. A proposal is in the planning for this. 2) Regina and other editors for Nature Communications Earth and Environment are planning a December, 2022 special issue focusing on the South Atlantic. Submissions are due by March, 2022.
  • Continued contribution to the UN Ocean Decade.

Regarding the preparation of the annual report, all panel members will jointly contribute to the preparation of the report by adding their inputs into Google doc.   

Brad DeYoung and Maria Paz Chidichimo are thanked for their long service, and Susan Bates has graciously agreed to a 2-year extension. Paquita Zuidema will be rotating off as co-chair. Candidates for new membership upon ARP were discussed. Following up on CLIVAR SSG feedback, some new membership with biogeochemical background will be sought.