3rd CLIVAR AMOC Task Team Preparation Telecon organised

The 3rd CLIVAR AMOC Task Team (TT) Preparation Telecon was organised on 18 February 2021, with the participation of representatives from CLIVAR Atlantic Region Panel (ARP), US AMOC Science Team, and staff from ICPO and US CLIVAR Project Office.  The telecon aimed to finalise the Terms of References (TORs) and initial invitations for participation in the CLIVAR AMOC TT. The major uptakes from the meeting are:

  1. The final meeting of the US AMOC Science Team (ST) is now postponed to April 25-28, 2022 to allow for an in-person meeting. The final report of the US AMOC ST will be published in two phases, with the first one in early summer as a 2021 Progress Report that will provide input to the 2022 meeting, while the second phase will be published after the meeting focused on future priorities which could provide input to the CLIVAR AMOC TT. 
  2. The updates on the status of CLIVAR AMOC TT and US AMOC ST will be briefly presented during the upcoming CLIVAR Scientific Steering meeting in March;
  3. The membership of the CLIVAR AMOC TT was further updated by considering balance of geography, gender and career stage, model & observation, ocean & atmosphere, and linking to other progammes and the societal impacts of AMOC;
  4. The TORs and membership of the CLIVAR AMOC TT will be finalised in the coming weeks and a few follow-up actions have been identified (e.g. invitation letters and AMOC TT webpage on CLIVAR website, and etc).