News View

A new article entitled ‘Exploring the Interplay Between Ocean Eddies and the Atmosphere’, written by Walter Robinson, Sabrina Speich and Eric Chassignet, has recently been published on Eos (...

This second-generation CLIVAR Science Plan builds on the important legacy of CLIVAR emerging since its inception in 1992 and redirects the CLIVAR goals and priorities for the coming decade after...

Two international initiatives for the Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions at the Ocean Mesoscale have been endorsed by CLIVAR SSG recently:
1. Atlantic Tradewind Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale...

The 2018 ENSO Conference Website ( is currently experiencing an unexpected problem and cannot be accessed. For...

Following the announcement of the CLIVAR-FIO Summer School on: “Past, present and Future Sea level changes”, we received over 200...

In its 10th year, the 2018 US AMOC Science Team report captures progress on the main objectives of the program, identifies new programmatic gaps,  provides near- and...

The 23rd PIRATA meeting and the 2nd TAOS REVIEW meeting will be organized in Marseille, France from October 22 to 26, 2018. The “Prediction and Research...

Draft of CLIVAR Science Plan and Implementation Strategy is available for comments. Please send your comments to by 14...

On February 10, the CLIVAR Atlantic Region Panel (ARP) held its 16th Session in Portland, Oregon, US, right before the 2018 Ocean Science Meeting. Sixteen participants...
