12th Annual Meeting of the WCRP/CLIVAR/VAMOS Panel (VPM12)
San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
Wednesday, 3 June, 2009 - Friday, 5 June, 2009
Twelfth Annual Meeting of the WCRP/CLIVAR/VAMOS Panel (VPM12) San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA 3-4 June 2009
Hosted by the Department of Physics of the University of Puerto Rico and the
PR Space Grant Consortium from NASA
List of participants
Logistic information
The meeting will be held at the Rio Piedras campus of the University of Puerto Rico.
VPM12 will update the progress of the VAMOS projects particularly the VOCALS Regional Experiment, LPB, MESA, NAME, and IASCLIP.
Other issues to be addressed are panel contribution to the cross-cutting themes and other WCRP programs, such as GEWEX as well as IGBP programs and activities.
In particular, progress will be evaluated of the VAMOS modeling group and the recently established VAMOS Extremes WG, and of the group that is analyzing the current status of the ACC related research along the Americas.
The VAMOS panel meeting will be preceded by an IASCLIP workshop which will be held on 1-2 June at the same venue.
For more information please contact the ICPO representative for VAMOS, Carlos Ereño
Last update: 08/06/09
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 - Morning Session, Plenary - Reports |
8:45 am |
Welcome |
- Rafael Mendez, local focal point |
- H. Berbery/J. Marengo, VAMOS Co-Chairs |
9:00 am |
H. Berbery/J. Marengo | |
9:20 am |
C. Ereño | |
9:40 am |
D. Legler | |
10:00 - 10:20 am |
Break |
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 - Morning Session, Plenary - IASCLIP Session |
10:20 - 12:30 pm |
1) Overview |
D. Enfield |
V. Misra/Sang-Ki Lee | |
3) Observations |
M. Douglas | |
L. Goddard | ||
5) Predictability of North American summer circulation and precipitation at decadal timescale |
Qi Hu |
12:30 pm |
Lunch |
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 - Afternoon Session, Plenary - Reports |
1:50 pm |
Climate Prediction Program for the Americas (CPPA)
J. Huang |
2:10 pm |
T. Busalacchi | |
2:30 pm |
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
C. Nobre |
2:50 pm |
R.Garreaud/R. Mechoso | |
3:10 - 3:30 pm |
Afternoon Break |
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 - Afternoon Session, Plenary - Reports (cont.) |
3:30 pm |
D. Gochis | |
3:50 pm |
J. Marengo | |
4:10 pm |
H. Berbery | |
4:30 pm |
C. Saulo | |
4:50 pm |
L. Goddard | |
5:10 pm |
T. Cavazos/J. Marengo | |
5:30 - 6:00 pm |
General discussion on implementation of cross-cut activities |
6:00 pm |
Adjourn |
7:00 - 9:00 pm |
No-host dinner |
Thursday, June 4, 2009 - Morning Session, Plenary - Reports (end) |
9:00 am |
Database for VOCALS Field Campaign | J. Meitin/S. Williams |
9:20 am |
L. Farfan | |
9:40 pm |
The North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP) |
R. Arritt |
Thursday, June 4, 2009 - Morning Session, Plenary - Climate across the Americas |
10:00 am |
Land-atmosphere interactions and water balances for major basins of the Americas |
A. Betts |
10:20 am |
C. Saulo | |
10:40 - 11:10 am |
Break |
11:10 am |
Inter-hemispheric influence of the Atlantic warm pool on the southeast Pacific |
Sang-Ki Lee |
11:30 am |
MJO WG and/or WCRP/WWRP Project on Reproduction and Prediction of Monsoon IntraSeasonal Oscillation |
D. Waliser |
12:10 pm |
K. Mo | |
12:30 pm |
Lunch |
Thursday, June 4, 2009 - Afternoon Session, Plenary - Climate across the Americas |
2:00 pm |
L. Goddard | |
2:20 pm |
C. Nobre | |
2:50 pm |
P. Arkin | |
3:10 pm |
Land-Atmophere Interactions and Hydrologic Response in the NAME experiment: 2004-2008 |
E. Vivoni |
3:30 - 3:50 pm |
Afternoon Break |
3:50 pm - 4.30 pm |
General Discussion on VAMOS and the Climate across the Americas activities |
4:30 pm |
Meeting ends for non-VAMOS Panel members |
Thursday, June 4, 2009 - Afternoon Session, VAMOS Panel Executive Session |
4:30 pm - 6.30 pm |
- IASCLIP Plans |
- CLIVAR Imperatives |
- VAMOS Future and Priorities |
- WG on Extremes |
- WG on ACC |
- VAMOS Modeling Plan and interactions with WGSIP and WGCM |
- Initiative in Outreach, Capacity Building, and Education |
- Next issue of VAMOS newsletter, funding and themes |
- VAMOS panel membership |
- Next VAMOS Panel meeting |
6:30 pm |
VPM12 ends |
Berbery, Hugo
Marengo, Jose
Enfield, David
Busalacchi, Anthony
Cavazos, Tereza
Farfan, Luis
Garreaud, Rene
Gochis, Dave
Goddard, Lisa
Gouirand, Isabelle
Mechoso, C. Roberto
Saulo, Celeste
Betts, Alan
Cavalcanti, Iracema
Douglas, Mike
Hartten, L.
Hoyos, Carlos
Huang, Jin
Karnanskas, Kristopher
Kirtman, Ben
Legler, David
Meitin, Jose
Mejia, John
Mendez, Rafael
Mo, Kingtse
Nobre, Carlos
Perez, Caridad
Schem, Jae
Sealy, Andrea
Waliser, Duane
Wang, Chunzai
Williams, Steve
Vivoni, Enrique
Ereño, Carlos
Meeting Location: The meeting will be held at the Rio Piedras campus of the University of Puerto Rico, Facundo Buezo building, rooms 341A and 341B, located at:
Avenida Barbosa and Ave. Ponce de León
San Juan,
PO Box 21907
San Juan, PR 00931-1907
Tel.(787) 764-0000
See the map specially prepared and annotated by Dr. Ernesto Muñoz from NOAA/AOML.
Highlighted are a commonly used route from the Normandie Hotel to the meeting place at the Rio Piedras campus (in blue) and a suggested return route to the hotel (purple). This is especially useful for those who may prefer a rental car to the university shuttle. Also shown are the airport, parking locations near the university (below, center) and in Old San Juan (upper left) and a link to a video on Old San Juan.
A block of rooms has been reserved for the period of 1-5 June at the Normandie Hotel at the rate of $105/night rate plus taxes and fees. Normandie Hotel is located at 499 W. Muñoz Rivera Ave, San Juan, PR 00901, See the map
To make their reservations meeting attendees can call (787) 729-2929 x. 1111 or toll free (877) 987-2929 x. 1111, or email: reservations@normandiepr.biz. The reservations department opens Monday to Friday from 9am to 9pm and Saturdays from 11am to 7pm. Let the reservations agent know that you are reserving a room for the VAMOS meeting in June 2009.
We recommend participants to make their reservations as soon as possible. Participants will have a cut off date of APRIL 29, 2009 to make the reservation at the convened rate.
Fact Sheet from Normandie hotel
There are plans for providing shuttle and carpool from the Normandie hotel to the UPR meeting room.
Transportation from the airport
Taxis are available at the airport. The cost of the travel to Normandie Hotel is about u$s 20. You should be given the invoice before leaving the airport.
For additional information contact: the ICPO representative for VAMOS, Carlos Ereño