WCRP/CLIVAR and IOC/WESTPAC joint workshop on future cooperation

On 16th September 2015 WCRP/CLIVAR and IOC/WESTPAC hosted a joint workshop on “Advancing Ocean Climate Observations and Studies in the Indo-Pacific” at FIO with the aim to take stock of previous achievements in ocean observations, modelling and ocean climate studies in the region; build and enhance networks among ocean and climate research communities in the region; exchange strategic directions and further synergize efforts between WESTPAC and CLIVAR by identifying areas of common interest and means of cooperation.
The workshop included presentations from WESTPAC and CLIVAR scientists on their previous achievements, present efforts and future directions for ocean and climate studies, including sustained ocean and climate observations, predictions and services. Following these presentations, participants, including all trainees for the ODC training, provided their suggestions on possible areas and means of cooperation between WESTPAC and CLIVAR.
An outcome of the workshop is a list of recommendations for future CLIVAR/WESTPAC collaborations. A Letter of Intent for Cooperation between CLIVAR and WESTPAC is in preparation.