WCRP organized a Leadership Meeting

The WCRP organized a Leadership Meeting (online) on 21st April 2021, with the participation of members of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee (JSC), chairs of all the Core Projects, leaders of the Grand Challenges, chairs of the Light House Activities (LHA), directors of the International Project Offices, and the WCRP Secretariat. Sonya Legg (co-chair of the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group) and Jose Santos (Executive Director of the International CLIVAR Project Office) were among the 53 representatives that attended the teleconference.
The meeting started with opening remarks from Detlef Stammer and Helen Cleugh (chairs of the JSC) welcoming all participants and pointing out that the main objective of this meeting was to discuss the current status of the LHAs, with a focus on its science development.
This was followed by presentations by the Lighthouse Activity Chairs: Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change (Rowan Sutton), My Climate Risk (Ted Shepherd and Regina Rodrigues), Safe Landing Climates (Steven Sherwood and Gabi Hegerl), Digital Earths (Peter Bauer and Christian Jakob), and the WCRP Academy (Angela Maharaj and Andrew Charlton-Perez).
After the presentations, there was a discussion of opportunities and connections for the Lighthouse Activities, and the importance of moving from Science Planning Development Teams to Science Teams. This teleconference was a preparation for the discussions that will be held during the 42nd Session of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee to be held online between 28 June - 2 July 2021.