Remembering Dr Satya Prakash

We are deeply saddened and of great sorrow to hear that Dr. Satya Prakash, scientist at the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), passed away on 22 July 2021 due to cardiac arrest. He was recovering from COVID.
Satya joined the INCOIS in 2008, his research focused on ocean biogeochemistry, climate change, and ocean carbon/nitrogen cycle. Satya was the coordinator of the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) and an integral part of the Indian Ocean community. He used to be the liaison with the CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel for several activities. He was also a member of SIBER/BGC Argo/OOPC teams.
It is impossible to list all his great contributions to advance the Indian Ocean sciences and coordination in this short note. But, on this page, we show the words from some of his co-workers from the CLIVAR community and our partners:
- In the name of all colleagues of OOPC we send our deepest condolences to his family and colleagues at INICOIS. All our thoughts to Satya and those who suffered from such a unique pandemic. (OOPC/Belén and Sabrina)
- This is shocking news. Satya has been working with us on many activities. His active contribution to IIOE-2 and other projects is changing the landscape of Indian Ocean science and service. This is really a big loss for our community. Our deepest condolences to his family and the Indian ocean community. (Weidong Yu, SYSU, China)
- Satya was one of the newest members of the GOOS Ocean Observations Physics and Climate panel (OOPC). Due to the pandemic, we only met virtually. Satya was the coordinator of the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) and worked with oxygen measurements on Argo. My deepest condolences to his loved ones and colleagues. (Meghan Cronin, NOAA, USA)
- It was shocking news for us. He had a lot of passion for ocean observations in particular biogeochemical observations. We lost a dynamic researcher. Our condolences to his family. (Venkatesan, NIOT, India)
- I was shocked and saddened to have learnt of the sudden passing of my dear colleague, friend, and respected ocean scientist Dr Satya Prakash. A tragic loss. Satya touched us all with his warmth, charm, good humor, intelligence, and commitment. Satya’s role in leading the IIOE-2 Joint Project Office Node in India was fundamental to IIOE-2. He did a great deal in the humblest of ways that went unseen and unheard but was fundamental in underpinning the genesis and running of IIOE-2. IIOE-2 owes a great deal to Satya, and it was an honor to work with him in IIOE-2. He was a wonderful human being. Deepest sympathies and respects to Satya’s wife, children, families, loved ones, colleagues and friends. (Nick D’Adamo, Australia Node of the IIOE-2 Joint Project Office)
- I had only recently had a meeting with Satya about our new project together and his enthusiasm and commitment was inspirational. His passing is a massive loss to the Indian Ocean community, but there will be much that will still be carried on in his memory thanks to his hard work and passion. Deepest condolences to his family and friends. (Juliet Hermes, IORP Co-chair, SAEON, South Africa)
- We, the Indian Ocean community, will miss Satya and his ever-gentle smile. He was key in coordinating several international dialogues, meetings, and helped in bridging partnerships within the international scientific community. (Roxy Mathew Koll, IITM, India and Indian Ocean Region Panel)
The CLIVAR community feel a great loss in his passing, and we extend our deepest sympathies to Satya and his family. May his soul rest in peace!