NORP telecon organized in April 2023
The Northern Ocean Region Panel (NORP) organized a telecon from 15:00-16:00 GMT on April 20, 2023 with the participation of Amy Solomon, Benjamin Rabe, Dorotea Iovino, Alexandra Jahn, Xiangdong Zhang from NORP and Jing Li from ICPO.
The meeting focused on the following topics: 1) feedback from the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group (SSG) to NORP; 2) preparation of NORP in-person meeting in July 2023 at Potsdam and Berlin, jointly organized with SORP, and 3) freshwater summer school in 2024. The major uptakes from the meeting include:
- SSG encouraged all CLIVAR panels to build more connections with WCRP Lighthouse Activities and projects, as well as with other CLIVAR groups. NORP is pursuing the same goal towards this, and further links can be promoted through 1) NORP/SORP/OMDP joint session at Berlin, 2) link with region panels for regional observations/prediction; 3) link with CliC and 4) share the CMIP5 Boots Camp material with WCRP Academy, etc.
- Ben will represent CLIVAR at OOPC-26 in June, with the goal of promoting coordinated observations in the Arctic, which is currently lacking in the global ocean observing system (GOOS). It is to help solve the difficulties of cruise approval and observations in the EEZ, and to coordinate more uniform archival observations, among other challenges. More NORP members are encouraged to be involved in.
- NORP-3 in-person meeting is planning to be organized with SORP-15, on 10 July (in Potsdam) and 11 July (in Berlin). Alexander Haumann from SORP will take care of the logistic arrangement of the meeting in Potsdam. Eight NORP members have confirmed their participation in person. There is a plan to invite representatives from other panels (e.g., OMDP, ARP) to attend the NORP-SORP joint meeting. The topics to be covered are: 1) synergy between NORP and SORP; 2) NORP topic revisions/foci, 3) legacy issues of CMIP6 bootcamp; 4) a new review paper on heat flux; 5) a paper on how ocean-sea ice-atmosphere interacts and impacts on Stream weather and climate, by inviting Climate Dynamics Panel (CDP) member to join, and 5) new topics from NORP new members.
- To seek more funding opportunity for organizing the NORP/SORP joint freshwater summer school in 2024. May cooperate with ARP and include AMOC as a topic to link NORP and SORP for the summer school proposal.
- Plan to have another NORP telecon before the in-person meeting in Germany.