IORP Telecon organised on Aug. 30

The CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel (IORP) organised a telecon on 30 August 2022, with the participation of Juliet Hermes, Roxy Mathew Koll, Birgit Gaye, Dwi Susanto, Bernardino Sérgio Malauene, Marie-Alexandrine Sicre, Janet Sprintall, Shikha Singh, Eluri Pattabhi Rama Rao, Lisan Yu, Motoki Nagura and Jing Li from ICPO.
The main issues that have been discussed during the IORP telecon were: preparation of the summer school proposal in 2023; updates on Indian Ocean Early Career Researcher activities (IO Youth Ambassador); report on IndOOS-2 implementation; updates on the Western Indian Ocean Workshop and CLIVAR-GOOS Workshop, as well as the membership issues. The major uptakes from the meeting are:
- A proposal for the ICTP-CLIVAR Summer School in 2023 was prepared by IORP, and with the inputs received from ARP and PRP co-chairs.
- A framework for Indian Ocean Early Career Research activities has been prepared by Shikha Singh, and comments and suggestion were received from IORP members. A separate telecon will be organised shortly to finalise the framework and with possible prioritisation of the activities.
- A report on the COVID impacts on IndOOS-2 is being prepared by Janet Sprintall and Motoki Nagura. A separate telecon of the IndOOS-2 tracking task team will be organised shortly, by inviting the representatives from IndOOS Resource Forum, OceanOPS and RAMA as well.
- Report on the Western Indian Ocean Workshop was prepared by Bernardino and will be published shortly.
- An in-person meeting for IORP is being scheduled in February 2023 in Perth, Australia, alongside the annual meetings with IIOE-2 SC, IRF, IOGOOS, and SIBER.