ICTP-CLIVAR Summer School on Oceanic Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems successfully conducted in Trieste, Italy

Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS) are areas of important biological productivity and high fluxes of energy and matter between the atmosphere and ocean. However, their future under intense anthropogenic pressure is uncertain. Improved observations and theoretical understanding of the main physical and biogeochemical processes that link planetary and basin scales with regional scales are required in order to model the response and interaction of EBUSs with large-scale forcing.
The ICTP-CLIVAR Summer School on Oceanic Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems took place from 15 to 19 July 2019 in Trieste, Italy. The research school aimed at stimulating discussion and new ideas concerning the mechanisms that influence the responses of EBUSs to climate variability and change. 37 students and 11 lecturers from 22 countries participated in the summer school. Twenty-four lectures, three practical sessions, a student poster presentation session and a student-led thematic debate took place during the week.
The 5-day course was arranged along disciplinary lines. On Day 1, an introduction on the general characteristics of EBUS and to some of the key interactions between different realms (ocean, atmosphere, biogeochemistry, etc) was given. Day 2 focused on an in-depth discussion on atmospheric circulation. Day 3 focused on oceanic circulation and the upwelling process. Day 4 was dedicated to biogeochemistry and fisheries. On the last day of the school, climate variability, teleconnections, climate change and its uncertainties were discussed. In the afternoon, the likely sensitivity of the physics and biology of EBUSs to climate change was debated jointly by students and all lecturers. Detailed information and presentations for the summer school are available online.
According to the anonymous survey conducted by the end of the summer school, participants overwhelmingly said that the school has been useful to them. They expressed their continued interest in contacting and collaborating with the summer school participants, as well as the interest in future training opportunities related to EBUS. A wish of increased emphasis on biogeochemical, biological as well as social science aspects of the evolution of EBUSs has been expressed.
We appreciated the support from ICTP, WCRP, IOC as well as all lecturers and participants for this summer school.