ICPO Hosts Workshop at FIO

The ICPO has been very active in promoting CLIVAR science and activities for the scientific community in China. The ICPO staff have already visited several Chinese institutions http://www.clivar.org/news/icpo-visits-chinese-institutions.
Last week, the ICPO hosted Prof. Detlef Stammer, SSG co-chair, and this presented the ideal opportunity to further engagement with Chinese colleagues from the three main oceanographic institutions in Qingdao: the First Oceanography Institute (FIO), the Ocean University of China (OUC), and the Institute of Oceanography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS).
A workshop was organised at FIO, which was well attended by researchers, young scientists and students from those three institutions. Prof Stammer gave a presentation on CLIVAR’s Research Focus on Regional Sea Level Change and Coastal Impacts. Prof Lixin Wu (OUC), a CLIVAR SSG member, talked on the Challenges in Ocean Observation and Prediction. Dr Zexun Wei (FIO) gave a presentation on behalf of Dr Fangli Qiao, CLIVAR OMDP member, on FIO’s modeling activities. Other speakers presented CLIVAR panels’ activities. Presentations can be accessed from the links below.
- Detlef Stammer, CLIVAR SSG co-chair): Sea level change and regional impacts
- Zexun Wei (FIO): Introduction to FIO modeling activities
- Lixin Wu (OUC), CLIVAR SSG member: Challenges in Ocean Observation and Prediction
- Xiaopei Lin (OUC) CLIVAR Pacific Region Panel member: Activities of the CLIVAR Pacific Panel Region
- Linlin Zhang (IOCAS): NPOCE
- Weidong Yu (FIO): TPOS2020
- Dongliang Yuan (IOCAS), CLIVAR Pacific Region Panel member: Indonesian Throughflow
- Lin Liu (FIO), CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel member: Activities of the CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel
- Jiuxin Shi (OUC), CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region Panel: Activities of the CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region
During his visit, Prof Stammer was also awarded the title of Guest Professor of FIO. The title was presented by Dr Ma, FIO’s Director, during a ceremony with the presence of several FIO Directors and the ICPO staff.