ENSO Conference 2018 Call for Abstract Submission

The 4th International ENSO Conference: ENSO in a warmer climate will be organised from 16 to 18 October, 2018 at Guayaquil, Ecuador. Abstracts can be submitted via the Conference website from September 2017 until 30th April 2018. Selected contributions will be invited for oral presentation, all others as posters. All abstracts must be submitted in English, with a maximum of 3000 characters and must exclude symbols, mathematical formula and figures.
GOAL OF THE CONFERENCE: To review the progress on the science of ENSO with a focus on examining the range of ENSO “flavors”, assess the existence of possible, and distinct precursors, and examine how the different oceanic and atmospheric processes that drive the different ENSO flavors and impact their predictability would vary in a warming world.
Co-chairs of the Scientific Organizing Committee:
Mike McPhaden (PMEL/NOAA), Jose Santos (CLIVAR), Andrew Wittenberg (GFDL/NOAA)
For more information, contact us: enso2018@clivar.org Visit us at: http://www.ensoconference2018.org/
Download the 2nd annoucement of ENSO Conference 2018
Provisional List of sponsors: