CLIVAR related sessions on the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022

The 2022 Ocean Sciences Meeting is going to be held in Honolulu, USA on February 27-March 4. In preparation for the meeting, we present you here the sessions organized by CLIVAR and those relevant to our community. The list of sessions is not intended to be exhaustive but to help digest the collection of the hundreds of sessions and events. If you would like to have your session included in the list, please email to To know more information about the meeting, please visit:
Sessions organised by CLIVAR
Climate Dynamics Panel
AI04 Extratropical climate variability and change associated with air-sea interactions
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Yoshi Sasaki, Rhys Parfitt, Aixue Hu, Noel Keenlyside
This session invites contributions on all aspects of extratropical air-sea interactions, related ocean and atmosphere processes, and their predictability through observational, numerical, and theoretical approaches.
Pacific Region Panel
OC17 Toward Predictive Understanding of Pacific Decadal Variability and its Global Implications
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Antonietta Capotondi, Cristian Proistosescu, Sara Sanchez, Malte Stuecker
This session welcomes contributions on all aspects of Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability, including process understanding, connections with extra-tropical Pacific decadal variations, inter-basin interactions, prediction efforts, global and regional impacts, as well as past evolution and future projections, using theory, instrumental and paleoclimate observations, and modeling approaches. Studies aimed at clarifying the role of tropical Pacific oceanic processes in the origin of decadal timescales are especially welcome.
PL02 El Niño in a changing climate
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Jérôme Vialard, Samantha Stevenson, Malte F. Stuecker, Andrew T. Wittenberg
This session solicits contributions that improve our understanding of ENSO from an observational, modelling and theoretical perspective. Topics to be considered include ENSO mechanisms; extreme ENSO events; ENSO in past and future climates; ENSO’s interaction with other tropical basins; ENSO's decadal modulation; ENSO impacts, including those on biogeochemistry and ecosystems; and ENSO representation in models. Contributions dealing with conceptual models of ENSO are particularly welcome, and are the topic of the companion Tutorial session coordinated with the International CLIVAR Working Group on ENSO Conceptual Models.
Northern Oceans Region Panel
HL10 Arctic Ocean changes and processes
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Benjamin Rabe, Alexandra Jahn, Ying-Chih Fang, Yevgeny Aksenov,
In this session, we welcome contributions based on recent campaigns, such as the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) or those under the umbrella of the Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS), as well as on the analysis of the long-term datasets of key environmental quantities, such as sea ice concentration, sea ice thickness, freshwater content, macronutrients, carbon and ocean acidification. Modeling studies using CMIP class models and regional high-resolution ice-ocean simulations are welcome, as well as studies combining observations and modeling. We explicitly invite studies of connections in the Arctic Ocean itself, hemispheric linkages to lower latitudes, coupled feedback involving sea-ice, snow and the atmosphere, and interdisciplinary studies addressing biogeochemical processes. We also welcome outreach efforts from school teachers and students who are interested in the present and future of the Arctic.
Southern Ocean Region Panel
HL16 Sources and consequences of Southern Ocean freshening: Toward synthesising observations and modelling
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Torge Martin, Inga Smith
With this session we aim beyond sharing most recent research and plan for an engaged exchange among the scientific communities of ocean and cryosphere, modeling and observations, early career researchers and senior experts to examine the current state of knowledge on Southern Ocean freshening and discuss future research. We are particularly interested in work closing the gap between observations and modelling; this includes coordinated monitoring approaches and targeted joint model experiments. We specifically welcome ideas and proposals for highlighting the Southern Ocean in the just starting UN decade of ocean science.
Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems RF
PL11 Key uncertainties challenging our understanding of the responses of Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems to climate variability and change
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Ryan Rykaczewski, Alban Lazar, Thomas Toniazzo
In this session, we seek to improve understanding of the consequences of large-scale atmosphere-ocean variability and changes for the physical and biogeochemical characteristics of Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems and their ecosystems. We welcome contributions which examine the mechanisms that stimulate uncertainties in EBUS and ecosystem responses to large-scale forcing. Comparative approaches that consider unique aspects or the shared characteristics of major eastern boundary currents are also encouraged.
Sessions related to CLIVAR
AI01 Air-Sea Interaction and Climate Variability in the Atlantic Ocean: Observations, Modeling, and Theories
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Laifang Li, Nicholas Foukal, Feili Li, Kimberley Drouin
AI05 The role of ocean-atmosphere dynamics in global climate
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Robert Jnglin Wills, Dillon Amaya, Elizabeth Maroon, Natalie Burls
AI06 Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: From Weather to Climate
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: II LIN, Karthik Balaguru, Gregory R Foltz, Christina M. Patricola, Chunzai Wang
AI08 Towards an understanding of how multiscale ocean-atmosphere interactions modulate fluxes in the air-sea boundary layer
Session Format: In-person
Organizers: Alex Ayet, Ana Beatriz Villas Boas, Delphine Hypolite, Nicholas Pizzo
AI09 Tropical Pacific process study experiments: Improved understanding through observations, modeling and data assimilation
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Anna-Lena Deppenmeier, Deepak Cherian, William Kessler, Alma Vazquez-Lule, Aneesh Subramanian
AI10 Global atmosphere-ocean coupled simulations at km-scale resolution and the application to the design of future satellite missions that focus on surface winds and ocean currents
Session Format: In-person
Organizers: Jinbo Wang, Hector S. Torres, Ping Chang, Niklas Schneider
AI11 Subtropical Air-Sea Interaction
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Malte Stuecker, Ning Zhao, Masami Nonaka, Niklas Schneider
CB03 The carbon cycle across the land-ocean continuum: scientific advances and insights for blue carbon policy
Session Format: Hybrid
Judith Drexler, Kanchan Maiti, Steve Crooks, Wei-Jun Cai,
OB17 Integrated Ocean Carbon Research: Coordinated Ocean Carbon Research and Observations for the Next Decade
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Salvatore Aricò, Christopher Sabine, Rik Wanninkhof
OC04 Mesoscale eddies and their roles in the climate system: characteristics, dynamics, mechanisms, and interactions with the mean flow and the overlying atmosphere
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Mengrong Ding, Aixue Hu, Pengfei Lin
OC06 Indian Ocean intraseasonal-to-interdecadal variability and its role in regional and global climate
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Shineng Hu, Weiqing Han, Lei Zhang
OC07 Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems: present and future changes and their impacts on marine ecosystems
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Mercedes Pozo Buil, Nathalí Cordero-Quiros, Carmen G. Castro, Steven Bograd
OC12 ENSO dynamics and its impact on other basins based on theory, observation and modeling
Session Format: Virtual
Organizers: Xiaolin Zhang
OC16 Marine Climate Extremes: PART 1 Mechanisms, Predictability & Coastal Impacts
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Emanuele Di Lorenzo, Steven Bograd, Nadia Pinardi, Gerald Meehl, Antonietta Capotondi,
OC18 Marine Climate Extremes: PART 2 Regional Downscaling & Climate Projections
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Diana Bernstein, Aneesh Subramanian, Dillon Amaya, Brian Dzwonkowski,
OM03 Advances in Ocean Data Assimilation, Forecasting, and Reanalysis
Session Format: In-person
Organizers: Ibrahim Hoteit, Aneesh Subramanian, Mohamed Iskandarani, Bruce Cornuelle, Philip Muscarella,
OT12 Digital Twins of the Ocean: From Pilot activities to applications
Session Format: Virtual
Organizers: Martin Visbeck, Ann-Christine Zinkann, Dawn Wright, John Siddorn, Pier Luigi Buttigieg
PI01 Meso- and submesoscale processes in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems: blind spots in global climate assessment
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Jordyn Moscoso, Daniel McCoy, Ryan Rykaczewski, Ivy Frenger
PI03 Western Boundary Current-Continental Shelf Interactions
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: William Savidge, Neil Malan, Frederico Brandini, Laura Braby
PL03 Ocean Heat Transport Across Scales: Mechanisms and Impacts
Session Format: In-person
Organizers: Wilbert Weijer, Oluwayemi Garuba,
PL04 Indian Ocean circulation and its impact on air-sea interactions, biogeochemistry and ecology
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Amit Tandon, Hemantha Wijesekera, Helen Phillips, Pattabhi Rama Rao, Raleigh Hood
PL05 Ventilation, circulation and mixing of the deep ocean: Observing and modeling the deep and bottom limbs of the meridional overturning circulation
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Sarah Purkey, Jonathan Nash, Sonya Legg, Eleanor Frajka-Williams
PL06 Mesoscale Eddy Energy and Ocean Transport
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Elizabeth Yankovsky, Nora Loose, Jacob Steinberg, Gustavo Marques
PL08 Variability of the South Atlantic Circulation and its Inter-Basin Linkages and their role in the Climate System and Marine Ecosystems.
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Janet Sprintall, Siren Ruehs, Gaston Manta, Manuel Gutierrez-villanueva
PL10 Low-Latitude Ocean Dynamics
Session Format: Hybrid
Organizers: Audrey Delpech, Ryan Holmes, Tom Farrar, Peter Brandt
PL12 Understanding and Predicting the Gulf of Mexico Ocean Dynamics
Session Format: In-person
Organizers: Ruoying He, Steven Morey, Eric Chassignet, Donald Boesch, Karina Khazmutdinova,