[Call for registration and abstracts] Tropical Pacific Observing Needs Workshop

The Tropical Pacific Observing Needs Workshop will be organized by US CLIVAR on May 24-26, 2021.
The workshop aims to build upon the recommendations put forth by the TPOS2020, OceanPredict’19, and other workshops to bring together the observational, modeling, and data-assimilation communities to determine the observing needs to advance process understanding of the tropical Pacific Ocean and its representation in models with a goal to improve ocean-atmosphere prediction. This workshop will provide:
- A forum to discuss observational needs to advance understanding of tropical Pacific ocean-atmosphere coupled processes and their representations in climate, forecast, and biogeochemical models.
- The opportunity for atmospheric scientists, oceanographers, observationalists, and modelers to interact, bridge conceptual gaps, and develop scale-aware observational strategies to advance our fundamental understanding of ocean-atmosphere coupled processes.
Registration and abstract submission are now open for this virtual event. Deadline to submit abstracts is March 5, 2021. Registration is free but required in order to attend.
For more info: https://usclivar.org/meetings/TPON-2021