The 4th Session of CLIVAR Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems Research Foci held in Trieste, Italy

Hosted by ICTP, the 4th Session of CLIVAR Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems Research Foci (EBUS RF) met on 20-21 July 2019 in Trieste, Italy, right after the ICTP-CLIVAR Summer School on Oceanic Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems, which took place from 15 to 19 July 2019.
The meeting specially focused on the brainstorming and discussion of an EBUS perspective paper. By the end of the meeting, the general outlines and content for each section, the lead and co-authors and timeline of the paper were agreed by all participants. Meanwhile, the potential opportunities to cooperate with SCOR WG-155 on “Eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUS): diversity, coupled dynamics and sensitivity to climate change” were also discussed, with particular interest in the EBUS summer school and open science conference to be organised by SCOR WG-155 in 2020 and 2021 respectively.
For more information of the meeting, please visit: