3rd RFP telecon to discuss the WCRP Climate Research Forum in Eastern Asia
The WCRP Regional Focal Points (RFP) Team for the sub-region of Eastern Asia organized its third telecon on 4th February, 2021, with the participation of representatives from WCRP Joint Steering Committee (JSC), GEWEX, SPARC, CLIVAR, S2S, WCRP-CNC and staff from ICPO.
The main purpose of this teleconference is to further discuss the preparation of WCRP Climate Research Forum in Eastern Asia on the basis of last telecon and updated draft programme circulated prior to the meeting.
Major achievements of this meeting are:
- The WCRP Climate Research Forum in Eastern Asia will be rescheduled to late March or early April;
- Speakers from meteorological agencies have been preliminarily contacted with positive feedback received;
- Possible speakers for the Third Pole Environment Programme have been identified;
- More detailed plan for early career researcher session has been discussed, and gender balance was considered;
- Logistic arrangements (flyer, invitation letter, registration system and contact database) were discussed;
- Action items were clarified and assigned to individuals.