Open Call
2022 Open Call for New Members of CLIVAR Panels and SSG
Submitted by Qian Zhao on Thu, 2022-07-14 02:17The call for nominations to the CLIVAR panels and Scientific Steering Group is now open, please submit the nominations online via the nomination form before 14 October 2022.
CLIVAR Research Foci Proposal Template
Submitted by Joana on Mon, 2024-12-16 05:09Guidelines and Criteria for CLIVAR Research Foci
Submitted by Joana on Mon, 2024-12-16 05:04In response to the rapid pace of scientific advances and recognizing the need for the project to be flexible and responsive to new ideas and challenges, CLIVAR has developed the concept of Research Foci (RF). These are focused research activities on topics (1) with high potential for significant progress in a 3-5 year time-scale, and (2) that would benefit from enhanced international coordination.