Second Workshop of GODAE OceanView Observing System Evaluation Task Team
You are warmly invited to attend the 2nd workshop of the Observing System Evaluation Task Team (OSEval-TT) which
- will provide a forum for exchange of ideas on ocean system experiments and to review the ongoing activities and results regarding the impact of global and regional ocean observing system for short-range forecasting, seasonal to decadal forecasting and reanalyses obtained since the GOV symposium by GOV and CLIVAR GSOP groups.
- will be jointly organised with CLIVAR/GSOP and E-AIMS FP-7 European project and
- is intended to be a mix of oral presentations, open discussion, and poster presentations.
Registration for the workshop is now open (5 August November 2014). To register please complete the workshop registration form, which will also allow the submission of abstracts. The workshop is free, but costs for lunches and reception will need to be paid by participants and are currently estimated to be €75. We are planning to set up a fee collection web-page closer to the time of the workshop.
Call for abstracts: Please submit your abstract (abstract title) with the registration form and assign it to the given submission categories (see registration link) à and please add the relevant number(s) into “co-author” text field). Please follow the instruction for the preparation of abstracts before submitting.
Limited capacity: Due to high interest in the workshop, participation will be limited, but it is hoped that all registration can be accepted.
Agenda: The preliminary agenda (including a poster session) is available from the GOV OSEval-TT workshop website.
The deadline for registration and abstract submission is the 12 September 2014.
Venue, directions and accommodation information will be made available soon.
Please help us to distribute this message further by forwarding it to other interested groups.
With kind regards,
The workshop organisers
Gilles Larnicol (co-chair of the OSEval-TT), CLS, France
Pierre-Yves Le Traon (E-AIMS projecy coordinator), Ifremer/Mercator Ocean, France
Magdalena Balmaseda (CLIVAR-GSOP), ECMWF, UK
Marie-Claire Demmou, CLS, France
Kirsten Wilmer-Becker (GODAE OceanView programme coordinator), Met Office, UK