Arctic Processes in CMIP6 bootcamp
Arctic Processes in CMIP6 Bootcamp
11-21 October 2022, Søminestationen, Denmark
Organized by CLIVAR CLIVAR/CliC Northern Oceans Region Panel
The CLIVAR/CliC Northern Oceans Region Panel will organize a CMIP6 Bootcamp focusing on the Arctic processes in October in Helgoland Germany. Download the PDF flyer here.
1. Why a “Bootcamp”?
2. Goal of the Bootcamp
3. Programme
4. Pre-requisites
5. Estimated costs
6. Grants and register
7. Trainees
8. Mentors
9. Contact
Although there could be some lectures as well, focused on the topics of study (e.g. on modelling and/or CMIP and/or the Arctic Ocean processes), the idea is to have Early Career Researchers focus on “grand challenges” and to try to move the science forward using the tools and experience within their small groups as well as the advice and experience of the senior scientist mentors.
The content of this Bootcamp will include scientific lectures, introduction to CMIP data, and applying the CMIP data. The main goals will be:
- Learn how to work with climate model (CMIP6) data, from the modellers who produced them.
- Use these data in conjunction with other datasets to answer crucial scientific questions about the past, present or future Arctic climate system, under the guidance of experts in the field.
- Contribute to publications resulting from the Bootcamp.
You will spend up to 4 days of tool development, i.e. learn about CMIP6 and how to work with CMIP6 output from many models in one go in general, and via cloud computing interface, and the rest doing actual science, i.e. apply the tools to answer the research question you will have chosen.
Detailed course information:
We expect that the participants are capable of "somewhat advanced" data analysis, i.e. be comfortable with manipulating 4 or more dimensional datasets such as standard longitude x latitude x depth or height x time CMIP output, and perform regressions, interpolation, Fourier transforms etc on them, in either Python or Matlab.
We do not expect participants to have worked in a Linux environment and/or on distant servers, but it will make your first day go faster if you have.
The exact costs will depend on many factors, among which covid regulations at that time, and therefore cannot be communicated at the moment.
The participants should count on 200-500€ in total for lodging and all meals.
We will provide a limited number of grants to support the attendance of some selected participants. Those from developing countries will have the priority to get the funds. A selection committee will be set-up to select the most qualified applications to receive financial assistance. You will be asked to identify your financial request in the registration system. There will be some registration fees for those who don’t get the funding.
Please register via this online system by the end of 29th April. All candidates will be informed of the outcome latest by late June.
This Bootcamp is intended for early-career scientists with research interests in climate and ocean, especially in the Arctic process study.. English will be the main working language so the applicants must have a good command of English. In addition, computing skills are needed.
Experts from various fields of global and regional climate observations and modelling will guide you through different parts of the Bootcamp.,
*Note that the summer school remains subject to covid-development by autumn 2022.