The YESS Community
The CLIVAR ECS Network has become an active partner of the Young Earth System Scientists (YESS) community, an interdisciplinary community among and for early career researchers from Earth system research institutes and universities across the globe.
Starting out in science can be a hard task, whether you are at undergraduate, masters, PhD or post doctoral level. The choices that you could make to set the course of your career may seem daunting and you may ask lots of questions to try and determine if this career path is right for you ...
“What comes next … Should I do a PhD?”
“How do I carry out research and write proposals at the same time?”
“What can I use my PhD for apart from research?”
“What can I do with my PhD outside academia?”
With this in mind CLIVAR decided to set up an ECS network to firstly act as a resource for Early Career Scientists (ECS) to try and answer some of these questions and act as a resource of information for undergraduates, Masters, PhDs and post doctoral researchers. And now, being a partner of the YESS community, it provides even greater opportunities for collaboration and networking among fellow ECS colleagues.
Who can join?
The YESS Community is aimed at anyone who feels like they are still in the early stages of their scientific career. Whether you are an undergraduate, masters or PhD student just starting out at the beginning of your career, or you are a few post docs down the line but still have not secured that permanent position, you can join our network. If you feel like an ECS then you probably are.
How can I join?
It could not been easier. Just access the YESS website and click on "Register" at the top-right corner.
We would also encourage you to subscribe to the CLIVAR monthly bulletin featuring the latest news, events and activities direct to your inbox.
What will I gain from joining?
The resources that we put up on this website and on the YESS website are clearly free for all to see and use. However, if you join the YESS Community you will:
1) Be able to connect with many other ECS around the world.
2) Receive news from fellow ECS colleagues, keeping you up to date with the most recent jobs postings, studentships, fellowship application deadlines
3) Find out about relevant events and meetings
4) Get involved with the broader Earth System Sciences research community and find out about what goes on in international programmes.
Can I get involved more directly with the YESS Community?
The YESS Community was setup by ECS, for ECS. We are discussing ideas and providing resources for all members who joined the community. However, for a sustainable and stronger group, we want you to come up with new ideas as to how you want the network to run and function.
So we are on the lookout for motivated, interested and enthusiastic people to help the network get established and come up with new ideas for how to move the network onwards and upwards.