Welcome to the AOB: Atlantic Ocean Blog!
Atlantic Ocean Blog
A blog about the Atlantic Ocean - variability, predictability and change.
The AOB is written, edited and moderated by Ingo Richter (Senior Scientist at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, JAMSTEC), Eleanor Frajka-Williams (a professor at the Universität Hamburg, Institute of Oceanography) and Regina Rodrigues (a professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina) with guest posts from the CLIVAR Atlantic Region Panel and others.
Ideas and explanations should be attributed to the author of the post, and do not necessarily represent the views of the WCRP or CLIVAR.
We’re a bit late to the blogging game here, and online presence has switched to social media but when you have more to say than X characters or a picture can convey - blogging still seems like the right approach.
The AOB is a spinoff from the CLIVAR Atlantic Region Panel, a group of scientists interested in and studying climate variations with a particular focus on the Atlantic Ocean. Most of the time, our research takes some years to develop and can be a bit niche - but it’s nice to step back and ask `What’s going on in the Atlantic now?’ and also, why do we care? We’ve been inspired by the ENSO blog (still going strong 8 years later!) and various other science/ocean blogs out there. So we’re going to give it a go for the Atlantic.
Who are we? To kick off the posts and add some modicum of order, we have
- Ingo Richter, an atmospheric scientist who works on tropical climate variability and its predictability, with a focus on the tropical Atlantic and its representation in climate models
- Eleanor Frajka-Williams, an observational physical oceanographer who works on the Atlantic overturning circulation and connection between small-scale processes and large-scale circulation
- Regina Rodrigues, a physical oceanographer whose research interests include understanding how tropical ocean basins interact and affect the extra-tropics leading to extreme events, using observations and modelling
with support from the CLIVAR office, especially Jing Li! Posts will be by us, and by the various members of the Atlantic Region Panel and others (let us know if you’d like to contribute a post).
We’ll try to keep the jargon down, and give background material, but we’ll certainly slip up so please bear with us and ask those questions when we do.