The Climate Train: Preparing for COP21, Communicating our understanding of Climate Change across France

In collaboration with SNCF and numerous partners, the Climate Train will travel across France from 6th to 25th October, stopping in 19 cities, communicating our understanding of climate change issues to the general public in the run up to COP21 that will be held in Paris. 

How is the Southern Ocean climate represented in ocean-sea ice models forced by the same atmospheric state?

Time-mean and trends for the period 1948-2007 are analysed in a suite of global ocean-sea ice models forced with CORE-II forcing, focusing on the ACC, MOC, water masses and sea-ice evolution.

Downes et al., 2015: An assessment of Southern Ocean water masses and sea-ice during 1988-2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Ocean Modelling, 94, 67-94.
