Workshop on Sources and Sinks of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Energy took place in Florida State University

Workshop on Sources and Sinks of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Energy (SSOMMEE) took place on 12 to 14 March, 2019 in Florida State University (FSU). The workshop was held in conjunction with the 5th session of CLIVAR Ocean Model Development Panel (OMDP). Members especially the co-chairs from CLIVAR OMDP panel composed the scientific organizing committee (SOC). The workshop was organized by UCLVAR and hosted by FSU Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS).

The workshop reviewed the recent theoretical and observational advances on the understanding of eddy-mediated energy exchanges, identified future observations that could better constrain our estimation of these exchanges, and guided the representation of these exchanges in ocean circulation models through physical parameterizations.

Three breakout sessions leaded by the SOC on the workshop were successfully organized. Topics arising from the breakout included 1) Parameterizing role of eddies in climate models, 2) Model/Obs diagnostics of energy transfer across scales, and 3) Global Energy Budget. Subsequently, an interesting plenary circle discussion took place based on the breakout session.

Further discussion arising from the workshop was in the subsequent CLIVAR OMDP panel meeting.