Deliverables - High Resolution Ocean Climate Modeling

A key outcome of the workshop is the interaction and information exchange that it will facilitate among various groups that are working on different aspects of high resolution ocean climate modeling.

Workshop participants will be encouraged to disseminate the outcomes of the workshop through a planned Special Issue of CLIVAR Exchanges. A workshop report will also be included in this special issue.

A major ongoing activity of the WGOMD is an inter-comparison of ocean models subject to CORE inter-annual atmospheric forcing, which builds on previous WGOMD efforts. So far, this activity has been largely confined to simulations with coarse resolution ocean models. In the workshop and the subsequent WGOMD panel meeting, we will explore developing a protocol for COREs for use in high-resolution ocean modeling.

We also plan to provide input to the next phase of CMIP, i.e., CMIP6, regarding high-resolution ocean climate modeling.